Software / WordBrief 365 (EN)

WordBrief© 365 sim­pli­fies the crea­tion of stan­dard docu­ments in Microsoft® Word by auto­ma­ti­cally inser­ting infor­ma­tion into the cur­rent docu­ment. This infor­ma­tion includes the reci­pi­ent address, the sub­ject, date and salu­ta­tion for a let­ter. It's also pos­si­ble to access the stan­dard cont­acts of Microsoft® Outlook to sel­ect an address.

WordBrief© 365 is an exten­sion for Microsoft® Word. WordBrief© 365 adds the rib­bon "WordBrief" to Word. This rib­bon con­ta­ins the but­tons Options, Manual, Info and the but­ton Task Pane, which shows or hides a task pane in Word. This task pane pro­vi­des the core func­tions of WordBrief© 365. Further infor­ma­tion on the ope­ra­tion can be found in the WordBrief© 365 manual.

What are the advan­ta­ges of this Word extension?

Instead of repea­tedly sel­ec­ting the same tem­p­late in Word for a new docu­ment and thus imple­men­ting recur­ring cor­re­spon­dence, WordBrief© 365 makes this task easier: pro­duc­ti­vity in ever­y­day life is increased by auto­ma­ti­cally inser­ting address, sub­ject, date and salu­ta­tion into the cur­rent docu­ment. All you have to do is start wri­ting the text.