Software / WordBrief 365 / Support (EN)

When pro­gramming WordBrief© 365, great care was taken to ensure qua­lity and func­tion­a­lity. Extensive tests were car­ried out before publi­ca­tion to inter­cept and handle any errors. However, there is no gua­ran­tee that an error will not occur in a wide variety of con­fi­gu­ra­ti­ons and environments.

Should you ever encoun­ter an error in WordBrief© 365, please use the infor­ma­tion on this page so that the pro­blem can be fixed with an update and a tem­po­rary solu­tion can be found in advance until then, if neces­sary. If you have any ques­ti­ons, sug­ges­ti­ons or cri­ti­cism, just send me an email. Please describe the pro­blem as detailed as pos­si­ble. A screen­shot of the error and/or a step-by-step descrip­tion to repro­duce the pro­blem would then be very helpful.

Known issues

The sel­ec­tion for "Select Outlook cont­act" is deactivated
In the WordBrief set­tings, the sel­ec­tion for "Contact opti­ons" is deactivated

Background infor­ma­tion

With WordBrief© 365 you can only access your default cont­acts if Microsoft® Outlook is instal­led and a pro­file is crea­ted. If this appli­ca­tion is not instal­led tog­e­ther with Office or no pro­file has been crea­ted yet, this func­tion­a­lity of WordBrief is not available and is deactivated.


To have the full func­tion­a­lity of WordBrief© 365 available, install Microsoft® Outlook and make sure that a pro­file is con­fi­gu­red for.

The Task Pane can­not be shown/hidden

Background infor­ma­tion

The cur­rent design of WordBrief© 365 uses only the first ins­tance or the first ope­ned appli­ca­tion win­dow, which is dis­played when Word starts. This means that the rib­bon "WordBrief" is dis­played in every window/document, but the func­tion­a­lity (and thus the men­tio­ned Task Pane) is only available in this first window.


This beha­vior is a rest­ric­tion of WordBrief© 365. To pre­vent this beha­vior, please use WordBrief© 365 in the first window/document of Word.

The rib­bon is not displayed

The rib­bon "WordBrief" is no lon­ger dis­played in Microsoft® Word.

Background infor­ma­tion

If Word uses many exten­si­ons (COM Add-Ins), loa­ding these exten­si­ons may take lon­ger. In order for Word to start fas­ter, it may hap­pen that Word exten­si­ons are then deac­ti­va­ted. If WordBrief© 365 has been deac­ti­va­ted, the fami­liar rib­bon is missing.


WordBrief© 365 must be acti­va­ted for the rib­bon to become available again. To do this, go to the File > Options > Add-Ins menu in Word and sel­ect "Disabled Items" from the Manage drop-down menu. Then click on the "Go…" but­ton. Here you can reac­ti­vate WordBrief© 365.

The auto­ma­tic update does not work

A new ver­sion is alre­ady available, but the exis­ting instal­la­tion is not updated.

Background infor­ma­tion

Due to the tech­no­logy used (VSTO), WordBrief© 365 is not auto­ma­ti­cally updated if the setup was down­loa­ded to the local com­pu­ter during the instal­la­tion and the instal­la­tion was star­ted from there.

For the auto­ma­tic update to work, the instal­la­tion of WordBrief© 365 must be car­ried out via the offe­red link to the installation/download. Only then WordBrief© 365 will auto­ma­ti­cally update its­elf when an update is available.


Uninstall WordBrief ©365 and reinstall it directly from the down­load page.