Software / WordBrief 365 / Software License Agreement

Software License Agreement

This Software License Agreement is a legal agree­ment bet­ween you and licen­sor Claus Schiroky for the soft­ware pro­duct WordBrief© 365. The soft­ware pro­duct includes com­pu­ter soft­ware and any asso­cia­ted media, prin­ted mate­ri­als and online or elec­tro­nic docu­men­ta­tion ("SOFTWARE PRODUCT"). By instal­ling, copy­ing or other­wise using the SOFTWARE PRODUCT, you agree to be bound by the terms of this Software License Agreement. If you do not agree to the terms of this Software License Agreement, you may not install or use the SOFTWARE PRODUCT.

§1 Subject matter

(1) Subject of this con­tract is the per­ma­nent trans­fer of the SOFTWARE PRODUCT and the gran­ting of the rights of use descri­bed in §2. The hard- and soft­ware envi­ron­ment with which the SOFTWARE PRODUCT may be used is set to the fol­lo­wing sys­tem requirements:

  • Microsoft 365 Apps, Office 2016, 2019 or 2021.
  • Microsoft® Windows 10, Windows 11, Windows Server 2012, 2012 R2, 2016, 2019, and Windows Server 2022.

(2) Licensor will pro­vide you with one copy of the SOFTWARE PRODUCT. The deli­very is made via a down­load, which the Licensor pro­vi­des on its home­page (

(3) Installation and con­fi­gu­ra­tion ser­vices are not sub­ject of this Software License Agreement.

§2 Grant of License

(1) This soft­ware license agree­ment grants you the fol­lo­wing rights: The SOFTWARE PRODUCT can be used once for a period of 30 days free of charge. If the 30-day trial period has expi­red, the SOFTWARE must be licen­sed for a fee in order to con­ti­nue to be able to use the SOFTWARE in its full func­tional scope for an unli­mi­ted period. For this pur­pose, a one-time license fee of EUR 29.90 must be paid to the licensor.

(2) You are entit­led to install and use one copy of the SOFTWARE PRODUCT on a sin­gle hard­ware – one com­pu­ter (desk­top, tablet PC). The SOFTWARE PRODUCT may only be used by a maxi­mum of one per­son. You may not lend, rent, lease or other­wise trans­fer the SOFTWARE PRODUCT to others.

§3 Other rights and restrictions

(1) Separation of Components: The SOFTWARE PRODUCT is licen­sed as a sin­gle pro­duct. You may not sepa­rate its com­pon­ents for use on more than one computer.

(2) Restrictions on reverse engi­nee­ring, decom­pi­ling and dis­as­sem­bly: You may not reverse engi­neer, decom­pile or dis­as­sem­ble the SOFTWARE PRODUCT.

(3) Features of the SOFTWARE PRODUCT which serve the pro­gram iden­ti­fi­ca­tion (e.g., copy­right noti­ces, serial num­bers etc.) may not be remo­ved from the SOFTWARE PRODUCT. Furthermore, they may not be changed.

(4) Termination: Without pre­ju­dice to any other rights, Licensor may ter­mi­nate this Software License Agreement if you breach any of the terms and con­di­ti­ons of this Software License Agreement. In such a case, you are obli­ga­ted to com­ple­tely stop using the SOFTWARE PRODUCT, to irre­vo­ca­bly remove all copies of the SOFTWARE PRODUCT and all its com­pon­ents from all your com­pu­ters and data sources (inclu­ding online). Furthermore, you are obli­ga­ted to con­firm the exe­cu­tion of the mea­su­res to the licen­sor in writing.

§4 Copyright

The par­ties agree that this SOFTWARE PRODUCT is pro­tec­ted by copy­right. The SOFTWARE PRODUCT is pro­tec­ted by copy­right laws and inter­na­tio­nal copy­right trea­ties as well as other intellec­tual pro­perty laws and agree­ments. Unauthorized repro­duc­tion or unaut­ho­ri­zed dis­tri­bu­tion of the SOFTWARE PRODUCT or any part the­reof is a punis­ha­ble offense. This will be pro­se­cu­ted under cri­mi­nal and civil law and may result in severe pen­al­ties and claims for dama­ges. The SOFTWARE PRODUCT is licen­sed, not sold. This soft­ware license agree­ment is sub­ject to German law. The place of juris­dic­tion for all dis­pu­tes ari­sing from and in con­nec­tion with this con­tract is (85354) Freising (Germany).

§5 Warranty

(1) Licensor war­rants that you will be able to use the SOFTWARE PRODUCT wit­hout inf­rin­ging any third-party rights.

(2) The use of this SOFTWARE PRODUCT excludes all war­ran­ties, express or implied, and assu­mes no lia­bi­lity whatsoe­ver for any dama­ges ari­sing from the use of this SOFTWARE PRODUCT.

(3) The actual war­ranty does not apply to defects that are due to the SOFTWARE PRODUCT being used in a hard­ware or soft­ware envi­ron­ment that does not meet the sys­tem requirements.

(4) In order to pre­vent a loss of data, the Licensor expressly points out that before instal­ling the SOFTWARE PRODUCT, a backup of your data should always be made.

§6 Other provisions

(1) No ancil­lary agree­ments have been made to this Software License Agreement.

(2) If indi­vi­dual pro­vi­si­ons of this Agreement are or become inva­lid, this shall not affect the vali­dity of the other parts of the Agreement. The par­ties her­eby agree that the inva­lid or void pro­vi­sion shall be repla­ced by a pro­vi­sion that is valid and comes clo­sest to what the par­ties inten­ded from an eco­no­mic point of view.